  • No products in the basket.
All the items which are exclusively made by pre-order (3 -5 business days) are not subject to
exchange and returns. We guarantee the quality of our products, you only need to choose
the right size.

After you confirm the order, the order number will be sent to the specified e-mail address.
Orders can be paid according to the bank details or card number. When paying, specify the
order number in the topic.
– Orders are shipped to Ukrainian addresses via Nova Poshta (3 -4 working days), free
– Orders are shipped to Russian Federation and Republic of Belarus via Ukrainian
National Postal Service, Ukrposhta (1-3 weeks) – 30$,
– Orders are shipped to other destinations via Ukrainian National Postal Service,
Ukrposhta (1-3 weeks) – 30$, express delivery – FedEx (3-7 working days) – 60$.REFUND
All the items which are exclusively made to order (pre-order) are not subject to exchange and
returns.Confirming an order, you agree to the refund policy.Please email us lisaboinfo@gmail.com concerning all inquiries.


34 80- 64- 86
36 84- 66- 90
38 88- 70- 94
40 92- 74- 98
42 100- 79- 106